PPG 发布2017可持续发展进程,未来目标成绩可观

作者:admin时间:2018-05-04 16:20:04

PPG reports sustainability progress, new 2025 goals


PPG recently released its 2017 Corporate Sustainability Report, which details the company’s continued progress in strengthening its sustainable operations in 2017 and the launch of new, aggressive sustainability goals it aims to achieve by 2025. The report is available at sustainability.ppg.com.

PPG董事会主席兼首席执行官Michael H. McGarry 发表讲话: “2017年,PPG在财务和战略上履创佳绩。我们将继续改善和强化可持续性运营,并践行我们的目标和承诺:保护并美化世界。”

PPG delivered a solid performance in 2017 both financially and strategically. We continued to enhance and strengthen our sustainable operations and bring life to our purpose and promise: We protect and beautify the world.

“PPG内部可持续性奖励计划已经先后表彰了200多个项目。除此之外还单独设立Ergo Cup奖以表彰改善人体工学性能项目。据估算,这两个内部奖项所表彰的项目将在2017年实现成本节约1700万美元,能帮助降低能耗、减少浪费、降低耗水量、减少排放、降低工伤率。”

As evidence, we recognized more than 200 projects through our internal sustainability awards initiative. We also recognized programs that improved ergonomics through our separate Ergo Cup Awards. We estimate that projects honored by both internal awards programs saved more than $17 million in 2017 and helped us reduce our energy consumption, waste, water use, emissions and injury rate.

PPG环境、健康和安全副总裁Mark Cancilla表示:“2017年,我们在可持续发展方面的举措不仅体现在产品创新方面,更延伸到我们的客户以及公司业务所在的社区中。我们对2017年取得的成就深感自豪,同时也对完成最新的2025年可持续发展目标充满期待,因为这些目标充分反映了当前业务环境所面临的机遇与挑战。”

“PPG’s sustainability efforts go beyond product innovations to extend to our customers’ operations and the communities in which we operate,” said Mark Cancilla, PPG vice president, environment, health and safety. “We are encouraged by our progress in 2017 and excited about our new goals, which are representative of the challenges and opportunities of our current business portfolio.”


The company achieved the following progress in 2017:

  • 可持续产品贡献公司销售额的32%,自2012年以来增加了60%。其中包括一系列提供可持续解决方案的创新产品,如革命性的生物基内墙涂料 Sigma Air Pure,可在美化室内环境的同时净化空气。

    32 percent of sales from products that provide customers with a sustainable advantage, an increase of 60 percent since 2012. This includes the unveiling of multiple products that provide a sustainable solution, such as Sigma Air Pure, a revolutionary bio-based product that protects indoor air quality while it beautifies.

  • 2012年以来废弃物减少了15%

    15 percent reduction in waste since 2012

  • 2012年以来温室气体排放强度降低了46%

    46 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions intensity since 2012

  • 工伤和疾病发生率仅0.29%,较2016年下降6.5%

    0.29 rate of injury and illness, a 6.5 percent reduction from 2016

  • 全球50人以上的分支机构中,已有70%实施了PPG员工健康计划

    Implementation of employee wellness programs at 70 percent of locations with 50 or more employees

  • 为全球29个国家的数百家社区组织捐助了共计1050万美元

    $10.5 million invested in hundreds of community organizations across 29 countries

PPG 2025年可持续发展目标:

2025 GOAL:

  • 40%的销售额来自于改善可持续性的产品和工艺

    40% sales from products and processes that have improved sustainability over products being replaced

  • 废弃物处理量比2017年减少25%

    25% reduction in total waste disposal intensity from a 2017 baseline

  • 让35%的PPG制造、研发场所实现工艺废物0填埋

    0 landfill status from process waste at 35% of PPG manufacturing, research and development locations

  • 能耗比2017年下降15%

    15% reduction in energy consuption intensity from a 2017 baseline

  • 除减少温室气体(GHG)排放以外,可再生能源总使用量提高25%

    25% total renewable energy usage exclusive of greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions

  • 温室气体排放量(单位:吨)相比2017年减少15%

    15% reduction in GHG emissions intensity measured in total tons discharged from a 2017 baseline

  • 泄露和溢出量相比2017年减少65%

    65% improvement in spills and releases rate from a 2017 baseline

  • 用水量下降20%

    20% reduction in water consumption intensity

  • 多彩社区项目(COLORFUL COMMUNITIES™)的投资额将达到1000万美元

    $10MM investment through the COLORFUL COMMUNITIES™ Initiative


For videos, infographics and more on PPG’s sustainability efforts, visit sustainability.ppg.com.


